Universal Pageant System
It's Nice To Be Important, But It's More Important To Be Nice!
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors
Visit Baton Rouge
"An Authentic Louisiana Experience"

Baton Rouge is Louisiana’s “Capital City” and the hub of all things Louisiana. With a prime, central location—just an hour away from New Orleans and Lafayette—Baton Rouge is the perfect city to explore the eclectic culture of this amazing state.
Louisiana’s Capital City highlights the unique history, music, culture and outdoors that both visitors to Louisiana and locals alike enjoy. With French, Spanish, Creole and Native American roots, our city is rich in its culture and politics. Nicknamed the “Red Stick,” Baton Rouge houses over 300 years of history, much of which can be tasted in our food, seen in our architecture and learned through our state’s history.

Branded by J
"Be Inspired, Creating Beauty That's Cruelty Free"

Branded J, a Cruelty Free cosmetic company with a mission to Create Beauty That’s Cruelty Free!
Their first project was to create our Signature Brushes, NOT with animal hair, but with 100% top quality synthetic fiber called Taklon. The most versatile, durable and softest fiber on the market.

Benefits of Sponsorship
Platinum Level
Company tax write off
Supply 5 College Scholarships to World Winners
5 minute promotional spot at one of our three banquets during the World Competition.
Place promotional materials on banquet tables.
Business added to every contestant packet
Setup vendor table at multiple events
Sinage in many competition areas
Space on website
Social media promotion
Name on Contestant T-Shirts

Silver Plus Level
Company tax write off
Supply 2 College Scholarships to World Winners
Place promotional materials on banquet tables.
Business added to every contestant packet
Setup vendor table at multiple events
Sinage in many competition areas
Social media promotion
Space on website

Gold Level
Company tax write off
Supply 3 College Scholarships to World Winners
Place promotional materials on banquet tables.
Business added to every contestant packet
Setup vendor table at multiple events
Sinage in many competition areas
Space on website
Social media promotion

Silver Level
Company tax write off
Supply 1 College Scholarship to World Winners
Business added to every contestant packet
Social media promotion
Space on website with direct link to your business
A full page add in bi-annual packet sent out to contact list.

A Few Metrics

Over 50,000 Annual Website Visitors

Over 8000 Facebook Followers

Over 1,000 Attendees Per Event
Become a Sponsor Today
The benefits of sponsorship vary depending on the sponsorship levels. No matter the level, the sponsorship supports scholarships for applicants, trainings, and more.